Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Well I have decided to go back to the US ARMY.. The only difference is I will be a Commissioned Officer, so things should be a bit better :)

I will be training College ROTC CADETS here in Oregon, and up at Fort Lewis, WA.

Since getting out of Active Duty Service in early 2006 I have really let my physical training go down the drain.... Which I will be paying for greatly. Today I joined a local gym and will be working out twice a day for about the next 3 weeks, after which time I will be taking a physical fitness test.

The decision to go back to the Army was not an easy one, I talked it over with everybody who is close to me, and decided it was the best decision for everybody. I know that I will be a good leader, as I have done this in the past on a lesser level while in the US INFANTRY.

I hope to share with our future military leaders the skills I learned while in the Infantry, and hopefully they will be able to retain at list a little of the knowledge I pass onto them.

I will be training and studying for this over the next 10 weeks, so I will miss the time I have been able to give to the school. I will look forward to getting back into the classrooms on Mondays. Till then, I hope everything goes well.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

27 Jan 2008

Snowing !!!

Wow, and its sticking on the ground. We have not had this amount on the ground in a while. Jaymeson and I woke up late, played some board games and then had some breakfast. We were going to drive up to Mt. Hood Meadows and do some snowboarding, but I am pretty sure the roads are worse than I want to deal with today, so maybe we will go next weekend.

I was excited to see that one of our teachers got there Blog started today, I put a link to it from the Green Acres PTC site, so take a look.

Well, its time for lunch....

Got 2 Go

Sunday, January 20, 2008

20 Jan 2008

I just watched the movie "The Hoax". It was pretty good, and very interesting. It made me want to look up information on Howard Hughes and the Writer of the Hoax, Clifford Irving.

Well, now that I have educated myself on this whole history lesson I should probably get to bed... Good Night.

If anybody else is interested in checking the links out here they are.

The Movie Link:

Clifford Irving Official Site:

Howard Hughes Official Corporate Site:

Friday, January 18, 2008

18 Jan 2008

Well today has been kind of crazy.

I decided to work on the forum I run for an elementary school and found the site to be down. I then contacted the server company and found out they had a major melt down.... all data lost. My first reaction was to scream, but then I started looking on the positive side of things.

I have wanted to re vamp the web site and make it better than it was.... I guess the time for that is now.

Anyway I did some school work, played some XBox 360 and worked on the site.

This is me testing the Google Blogs to see if its the one I want to use on the Site, looks pretty easy so far.
